Setting Up MediaTransfer on your iPhone or iPad

Setup MediaTransfer
Click to view larger size.

Granting access to Camera Roll

After you have set up your PC or Mac for MediaTransfer, all you need to do is enter your Username, Password and FTP URL into the settings of MediaTransfer to get it working...

To get to the settings screen, swipe your finger from the bottom of the screen to the top of the screen.

If you are using a PC, enter your PC name just the same as you did in the tests: yourpcname.local

If you are using a Mac, you can select your Mac from the list of Macs that automatically comes up to enter this information for you.

Note: If you see an error on the main screen stating "No access to camera roll granted", please check out the video to the right titled "Granting access to Camera Roll" to fix the error.

(C) 2010 Jeremy Laurenson